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Ear Exam

We use microsuction to quickly and safely remove ear wax directly from the ear canal without the need for oil and water treatments.

Take a hearing test quickly and easily online now


Microsuction is a safer and cleaner method of ear wax extraction. Using a small vacuum or 'hoover' alongside small microscopes, I can quickly remove blockages offering instant relief from any pain or discomfort. Microsuction can cause a dramatic improvement to your hearing instantly.

Microsuction is a much safer method of earwax extraction in comparison to traditional syringing or cotton buds, even safe to carry out on perforated ear drums.  In addition microsuction needs no preparation with water or oil treatments, making procedures quick and easy to carry out in the comfort of your own home.

Appointments should only last around 35 minutes, allowing you to easily fit time into your day.


Most people can benefit from microsuction treatments however, you may particularly benefit if you:

  • Have recently started experiencing muffled hearing

  • Experience 'squelching' noises in your ear occasionally when speaking or chewing

  • Experienced any serious complications from a previous irrigation with water

  • Had a middle ear infection in the last two months

  • Had any form of ear surgery 

  • Have experienced hole in your ear drum (a perforation) or there is a history of a mucous (thick) discharge from their ear in the last two years

  • Experienced a painful ear infection recently 

What is Microsuction?

The most common reason for hearing loss is ear wax blockage. I can safely and gently remove obstructions using micro suction which vacuums wax directly from the ear canal. There’s no need for water or olive oil treatments.

Why do we produce earwax?

In the medical industry ear wax is known as  cerumen. It is produced between the ear drum and the outer ear. Little hairs secrete an antibacterial substance which cleans and lubricates the ear. It also prevents dirt and debris reaching the inner ear.

Can't I just use a cotton bud?

Cotton buds don't reach far enough into the ear canal or at the right angles. Often cotton buds can push wax further into the ear canal and damage the ear drum. Microsuction is much safer and cleaner method of ear wax removal.

Book Now

Book your microsuction appointment quickly and easily online now.

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